Extra Credit---Maps done by classmates

I looked over the blogs of both classes and saw many well done maps. These five were among my favorites:

1)dot density by CMackey--I liked this one because it was unusually stimulating with the added background color.

2)bivariate by LParker--In her map, Number of Orchards vs. Land Area I liked the colors she used to represent land infoormation and the symbol of the tree, especially this time of year. The trees look like they are planted in the land.

3)Total Housing Units in Maryland by AHunsberger--The placement of the houses in each county made it easy to read and I liked the fact that as the houses got bigger they looked more like mansions.

4)Illustration of the Sphere etc. by Ryan--I know this was one of the first labs we did and it may not be as complex but I like the way the different shapes are so distinctive with the different solid and dashed lines to represent the sphere, ellisoid, geoid and natural surface.

5)dot density by Robert B--I seem to like the dot density maps!! I like the contrast in background and foreground colors. It makes West Virginia really stand out--looks crisp.

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